Blog by ValesMedia

5 ways to find new interior design clients online

24 March 2024
10 min read

Are you an Interior designer looking to expand your client base and reach a wider audience? This post will walk you through details information about best practices to build your online presence as a Interior designer

In today’s digital age, the internet can be a powerful tool for finding new clients and growing your business. Here are six ways to find new interior design clients online:

1. Create a Professional Website that Converts

Your website serves as the virtual storefront for your interior design business, making a lasting impression on potential clients. To ensure its effectiveness, invest in a professionally designed website that reflects your brand identity and showcases your portfolio in a visually appealing manner.

Consider adding elements such as high-resolution images, client testimonials, and a clear call-to-action to encourage inquiries. Moreover, optimize your website for search engines by conducting keyword research, optimizing meta tags, and ensuring fast loading times to enhance your visibility in search results.

Having a professional website as interior designer enables you to

  • Showcase unique style and expertise 
  • Increase Visibility and Reach
  • Establish Trust and Credibility
  • Streamline Client Communication
  • Capture Leads and Inquiries

2. Utilize social media

How can you use social media to find interior design clients?

Let’s look at some examples how interior design business uses social media to attract clients. Interior designer Yvonne from house west design utilizes Instagram to showcase and promote her interior design work

get interior design clients through social media

Social media platforms have become indispensable tools for interior designers to showcase their work, engage with their audience, and attract new clients. Create profiles on popular platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, and regularly share compelling content that highlights your projects, design process, and industry insights. 

Utilize features like Instagram Stories, Pinterest Boards, and Facebook Groups to foster meaningful connections with your followers and establish yourself as a trusted authority in the field. Additionally, leverage social media analytics to track the performance of your posts and refine your content strategy accordingly.

3. Join Online Design Communities

Joining online design communities and forums can provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure for your interior design business. Some best of the online design communities are mentioned below

get interior design clients through houzz

Online design communities like Houzz allow users to find professionals of their desire. Interior designers can signup on the platform to be discovered and reach wider audience. According to Similarweb statistics Houzz has 13 million monthly visitors

Participate in discussions, contribute valuable insights, and showcase your expertise to establish credibility within the community. Additionally, consider offering exclusive promotions or discounts to members of these communities to incentivize inquiries and referrals.

4. Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Ensuring your website is optimized for search engines is pivotal in drawing organic traffic and securing higher rankings in search results. Kickstart by conducting meticulous keyword research to pinpoint pertinent search terms potential clients employ when seeking interior designers online.

Investing in SEO will help your interior design business rank in the google search engine and attract more traffic. You can easily check interior designer business websites that already rank on google search engine using search keywords such as “modern kitchen design ideas” or “interior designer in [location].”

get interior design clients from search engine

The image above illustrates how interior design clients might discover your business when they search for relevant services. SEO is highly effective in this context, as the search intent behind these specific keywords indicates that people are actively seeking an interior designer in their city.

5. Invest in Online Advertising

Paid online advertising can be an effective complement to your organic marketing efforts, allowing you to target specific demographics, geographical locations, and interests with precision. Platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads offer advanced targeting options to reach your ideal clients effectively. 

Develop compelling ad creatives that highlight your unique selling points and drive traffic to your website or landing pages. Monitor the performance of your advertising campaigns closely, analyze key metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates, and optimize your campaigns based on data insights to maximize your return on investment.